Hello, I'm Kyle.

A human-oriented designer driven to create products that are useful, accessible, no-nonsense, iterative, and experimental.

Currently, product design at Sentry.io for Codecov.io and tinkering withline.xyz. Formerly, at GitLab, startups, Markit–S&P, and freelancing. My experience includes front-end, interaction, user interface, graphic design, research, and product.

I'm always learning and finding inspiration in people I admire, great books, anthropological thinking, flânerie, and tinkering. See README

Leading product design at Codecov

Helping developers ship healthier code with less risk

Iterations toward automation

Empowering teams to commit their most secure work

Security dashboard

Collaborative iterations on a team endeavor

Innovation by iteration

Risk taking, experimentation, and uncertainty


Product design with the 'Team of Teams'

Advisor dashboard integration

A market data dashboard that keeps you informed

The digital vault

Cloud storage that streamlines document sharing

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